Wrapping Up and Planning Ahead
This is the time of year where we find ourselves wrapping up the end of our terms and planning for next term – after enjoying a winter break, of course. It’s so very easy to get caught up in the momentum that each term brings and not pause and reflect on what we’ve experienced or plan for what great opportunities are available for us to experience in the future.
The conference theme for the 2018 ACHE conference was “Keeping the Beacon of Continuing Higher Education Burning Bright” and the theme for the 2019 ACHE conference is “Partnerships: Innovation & Collaboration.” At the 2018 conference we enjoyed keynote presentations that focused on resilience/engagement and mindfulness, collaboration through times of organizational change, and a fabulous presentation that focused on data related to the students served by ACHE organizations and factors that impact online learning success. The bridge is now being built to prepare for the 2019 conference in Denver, Colorado where the theme is partnership.
As an active member of ACHE, serving as Vice President, it is a busy year for me. I will be working closely with regional leadership and supporting our President and her team as they prepare for the 2019 national conference, as well as supporting our President elect. I am here to serve - that is the power of servant leadership!
Each and every one of you reading this is a member of your region, as well as the national organization. There is so much opportunity available for you to engage and be active in the organization before the next national conference.
- There is the opportunity to engage in your region – contact your regional leadership and see how you can get involved!
- There is opportunity to attend a regional conference, network, and build relationships with like-minded colleagues from your region. For more information about each regional conference, please visit the region page.
- There is opportunity to volunteer for the 2019 national conference. I remember when I first got engaged with ACHE, and it began in my region, then the national conference, and now I have the honor and privilege to serve as Vice President for the organization. To get involved with the 2019 national conference, please contact the program co-chairs: Patti Spaniola, pspaniola@uwf.edu and Amy Jordan, ajordan5@luc.edu.
- There is an opportunity for you to submit a presentation proposal for the 2019 national conference. Stay tuned for an email with information about the Call for proposals!
Getting involved is an endeavor that you can commit to at a level that accommodates your availability. I’ve had the honor to co-chair three national conferences, and with each, the bond that is created by partnering with my fellow co-chairs is priceless. The relationships you will build by being engaged in the organization will enhance your professional network, as well as result in friendships that will last a lifetime.
Top left: Amy Johnson, President Elect; Dorothy Williams, President; & Tina Marie Coolidge, Vice President Top right: Tina Marie Coolidge & Jeni Maple, 2018 Conference Co-Chairs Left: Tina Marie Coolidge & Amy Johnson, 2016 Conference Co- Chairs |
Now is the time, as we bridge from the 2018 national conference to the 2019 conference, to dip your toes in the water and truly embody the themes of the 2018 and 2019 conferences: keep the beacon burning bright by being an active member, by being innovative and collaborative, by supporting the 2019 conference, and by engaging with your region over the course of the next year!
My service to ACHE is one of the greatest personal and professional decisions I have ever made. Through my service and leadership in the organization, I have grown and continue to grow as a professional, and each and every one of you make a positive impact on that development. Join us, get involved, enhance your professional and leadership competencies, and be a part of ACHE and the organization’s mission to promote lifelong learning and excellence in continuing higher education. If you ever want to talk about how to get involved, please feel free to contact me, tinamarie@drexel.edu.
Tina Marie Coolidge
ACHE Vice President