Five Minutes with ACHE – Vibing on Virtual Planning

Five Minutes with ACHE,

Dear Colleagues,

One of my favorite, and unexpected, moments of the 2020 virtual conference was the creation of the Association’s first conference playlist. I listen to the playlist at least once a week and I’m always encouraged by the energy of the selections and the diversity of the artists included in the list. I love that higher education professionals brought together their love for electronic, rock, pop, country, R&B, folk and alternative music to create a source of joy and connection for one another.

This diversity of music is symbolic of the rich diversity among ACHE members. We each have a unique role in our institutions but we share a common belief in education as key for building an informed electorate, strong families and resilient communities.

As we announced last week, the ACHE Board of Directors recently voted to host this year’s conference in a virtual format. As we begin our conference planning for 2021, I hope you’ll consider getting involved. You can share your enthusiasm for the upcoming conference by submitting a proposal or volunteering to serve on the conference planning committee.

I also want to encourage you to help us get an early start on this year’s conference playlist by nominating a song that represents one of this year’s conference tracks. Here are my first contributions:

As always, I’m most excited about planning a conference that gives us opportunities to connect as professionals, learn from one another, and uplift the importance of lifelong learning and excellence in continuing higher education.

Please reach out if you would like to volunteer or have ideas for this year’s conference.


Amy Johnson, ACHE President